The term aerodrome safeguarding is the term used to ensure that any development on the airfield, close to, or within Solent Airport Daedalus airspace does not impact on the operational safety of, or inhibit the airports capability to accept air traffic safely. It is the responsibility of local councils to consult with the airport regarding any planning applications in the area
As outlined in the joint Town and County Planning (Safeguarded Aerodromes, Technical Sites and Military Explosive Storage Areas) direction 2002, the aerodrome safeguarding control measures are included in UK legislation as a fundamental part of planning procedures. Safeguarded maps placed with planning authorities include a 30km radius centered on the aerodrome to indicate the area within which, developments that could have a detrimental effect on aircraft operations require consultation with the aerodrome.
Working, building and events in the vicinity of an airport can present significant risks if not managed responsibly by developers. This can include events using fireworks / lighting / sky lanterns, construction sites and drone flying.
As a result, we always encourage you to communicate with the airport, should the activity fall within at least 6km of the airport.
Airport Occurrence Reporting
For reporting of airside hazards which pose a risk to flight safety (i.e.- FOD, runway surface damage, bird hazard), it is important to remember that the Air Traffic Services is the first point of contact. This allows for any necessary immediate actions to be taken.
All other Accidents, Incidents or Near Misses should be reported immediately or as soon as is reasonably practical after the event by way of the Airport Occurrence Report (AOR) Form which is available on request from the Airport Operations team [email protected].
If the activity or development requires the use of lifting equipment, mobile or tower cranes, they should be operated in accordance with British Standard 7121 and CAA Publication CAP 1096. The airport should also be notified of plans to erect these cranes at least 21 days in advance. The notification to the airport should include the following information to allow us to perform our airport safeguarding checks:
- OSGB grid coordinates of the crane’s proposed position to six figures each of eastings and northings
- The proposed height of the crane Above Ordnance Datum (AOD)
- The anticipated duration of the cranes existence (including proposed dates)
- Contact telephone numbers of the crane operator and the site owner for use in an emergency
On this or any other airport safeguarding issue such as operation of a crane or tall construction equipment within 6km of the aerodrome;
DO NOT proceed until permission has been granted by Email.
We do not operate a telephone number for safeguarding applications. Please address postal applications to ‘Airport Safeguarding – Solent Airport Daedalus’ or email directly to [email protected]
Aircraft Annoyance or Unusual Activity Feedback
If you have any feedback or questions regarding the activities at Solent Airport Daedalus please complete the Aircraft Annoyance or Unusual Activity Feedback form .
We strive to respond in good time but please be mindful that we only have a small operations team that deals with these as well as day to day airport operations.