Solent Airport Daedalus places considerable emphasis on delivering social value, leveraging community engagement as a key to its enduring success. This is closely aligned to economic and business development strategy in the wider Fareham area, integrated with an approach to the community that seeks support and the “social licence” for the airport to operate successfully.
We place significant value on maintaining our status as a good neighbour and actively engage on a regular basis with local stakeholders. Our involvement includes the hosting of regular meetings with residents associations, talks to groups of local stakeholders and the hosting of tours and presentations.
The airport has established strong links with local schools and colleges, including Fareham College (CEMAST Engineering Campus). Participation in career open days and the facilitation of school tours ensure that the young people at the heart of our community are involved in our plans. Solent Airport Daedalus’ ambition is to run a graduate trainee scheme which will enable young people to realise their ambitions in the aviation industry.

The airport team ensure that new tenants are warmly welcomed and provided with the opportunity to establish links in the community, in common with all Solent Airport Daedalus operators.
This ensures the maintenance of a consistent and united approach from the airport community in support of the Council’s vision for Solent Airport Daedalus.
Social media channels, together with the airport website, encourage social engagement and assist in our delivery of community values. Participation in airport user groups is encouraged, and familiarisation visits are offered through these channels.
We support users with reduced mobility and hidden disabilities, by actively working with local user groups in order to align our facilities and processes with their requirements.