The scheme of Fees & Charges is available to download below. This replaces all previous versions.
Fees & Charges effective 01st May 2024
General Charges
Landing Cards
Landing cards are available for pre-purchase for based1 non-commercial operators on a calendar month basis. These must be paid for in advance and set up by the airport authority prior to the first day of the month for which they are valid.
Landing cards entitle the registered aircraft to regular user landing benefits for the validity of the landing card, and attract reduced rates for the use of the circuit as detailed above.
Parking Fees
GA aircraft parking for the day of arrival is included in the landing fee. A premium may be applied to overnight hard stand parking and is subject to availability.
Parking agreements are available at the airfield for operators wishing to base an aircraft. Fees are available on request to the airport management.
Please direct any enquiries regarding managed hangarage, such as availability and costs, to the airport management.
BACS Payments
Bank Details:
Bank of Scotland Plc
Account No: 10067265
Sort Code: 12-09-25
Account Name: Regional & City Airports Ltd.
IBAN: GB34BOFS12092510067265
- Based non-commercial operator is a resident aircraft with airport hangar or parking agreement. ↩︎