Solent Airport hosts a number of businesses offering flight training, whether you’re looking at getting a LAPL or PPL or working towards an instrument rating an even a CPL.
There’s a variety of aircraft types to choose from at Solent Aiprort, both single-engine and twin-engine, plentfy of nearby unsrestricted airspace and beautiful local surroundings in which to fly – Solent Airport really is the ideal base for the aspiring pilot!
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Euroflight Training
Euro Flight Training is based at Fareham Innovation centre, located at the beginning of Daedalus Drive, but maintains direct access onto the airfield and to their exclusive parking area. Their modern purpose-built facilities include class/briefing rooms, a social area and simulator room.
Euro Flight Training is dual approved by the UK CAA and EASA to deliver PPL, IR(R), CPL, MEP and IR flying courses, specialising in tailored courses to suit the student. Operating mainly Diamond DA40 and DA42 aircraft, they also have two FNPTII dual approved full-cockpit simulators for both Diamond types, which offer a highly realistic training experience and seamless transition to the aircraft themselves.

Company Details
Address: Euro Flight Training Ltd, Fareham, Innovation Centre, Merlin House, Meteor Way, Lee-on-the-Solent, Fareham, PO13 9FU
Tel: 01329 888 091
Email: [email protected]

Hampshire Aeroplane Club
Hampshire Aeroplane Club (HAC) is the oldest flying club on site, and with this comes a wealth of experience. HAC operate the Cessna 172 and Robin DR400, offering flight tuition and groundschool, as well as revalidations, renewals and ratings.
Based on the North side of the airfield, at the GA hangar complex, HAC is easily accessible from Broom Way and has hangar-side parking offering quick access to their facilities and the apron.
Company Details
Address: Solent Airport, Vulcan Way, Fareham, Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire, PO13 9FW
Tel: 0333 355 0764
Email: [email protected]

Phoenix Aviation
Phoenix Aviation is a CAA Declared Training Organisation (DTO), with offices in the tower building itself. They operate Piper PA-28s and Ikarus C42 and offer a range of services including flight training, groundschool & exams, aircraft hire and trial lessons.

Company Details
Address: Phoenix Aviation, The Control Tower, Solent Airport Daedalus, Hampshire, PO13 9FZ
Tel: 02392 552 703
Email: [email protected]