Green and Sustainable
We are committed to reducing aviation impacts and are working in support of the UK target to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. We are committed to working closely with local communities, tenants and customers to provide a sustainable service that brings social and economic benefits to the area whilst protecting the environment.
We continually strive to improve our environmental performance, preventing pollution and complying with all applicable legal and other obligations. Future aims include the use low emission vehicles on airport and to convert facilities to low carbon usage. Our objectives include the support of local public transport infrastructure and services, together with support for cycle to work and other green transport initiatives. Solent Airport Daedalus is committed to clear recycling targets including food waste and is seeking to eliminate single use plastic through providing water fountains in our terminals.
Noise Contour Reporting
The airport regularly monitors its noise impact in the surrounding area of the airport. In recent months it has commissioned two noise contour measurement exercises, the last being in April 2021. The objective to measure noise exposure in the local area.
Based on current findings, Solent Airport’s noise exposure has been recognised at 51 decibels (dB) which is well within the government guidelines of 63dB.

Wildlife Species of Aviation Concern (WSAC)
This is a list of all mammal and bird species assessed to be present at Solent Airport. It is a unique list to Solent Airport and all projects should seek confirmation on the current WSAC list at the start of every single Wildlife Hazard Design Risk Assessment (WHDRA). This is required to mitigate against these very specific species throughout all enabling, construction and in-use phases of the project, in perpetuity or until the aerodrome is no longer operational (whichever is shorter).
- Wood Pigeon
- Feral Pigeon
- Common Gull
- Herring Gull
- Lesser Black-Backed Gull
- Black-Headed Gull
- Great Black-Backed Gull
- Starling
- Ringed Plover
- Skylark
- Magpie
- Carrion Crow
- Rook
- Jackdaw
- Canada Goose
- Hare
- Fox