Pilot Briefing

Solent Airport Daedalus operates a fully maintained and resurfaced asphalt-runway, 05/23, which is available for use all year round. The airport, with close proximity to the sea, creates a picturesque approach to 05 as well as an easy join into the visual circuit.


Airport Opening Hours

The airport opening hours are 0900 – 1800 Local (0800-1700 UTC) during the Summer (Mid March – October) and 0900 – Sunset (0800-Sunset UTC) during winter (November – Early March). Airport extensions during daylight hours are available, when requested in advance.

The airport is closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

GPS Information: ARP: 50°48’56” N 001°12’24” W
Airport Elevation: +32ft AMSL
Radio Service: 118.930MHz “Lee Information”
Fire Category: Cat A2
Airport Documentation:

Information for Pilots

Airspace Infringement Avoidance

The airspace & safety initiative have recently published an infringement narrative for the Solent Area, regarding Solent CTA infringement hotspots. We highly recommend that visiting pilots take the time to read through the information provided, in order to ensure that the best procedures are followed when operating in the Solent, so as to avoid infringements as far as possible.

Flying in the Solent Area


Aircraft should remain outside of Fleetlands ATZ, unless in good two-way communication with Fleetlands Information (135.700 MHz). Fleetlands ATZ is located 1.5nm north east of the airport. It is suggested that the base leg for Runway 23 and outbound left turn off Runway 05 is kept to no further north than the solar farm, which is situated 0.6NM north of the airfield.

Fleetlands ATZ Operating Hours:

  • Monday-Thursday: 0800-1700L* (0700-1600*)
  • Friday: 0800-1500L (0700-1400)

*Or until sunset, whichever is earlier

From the North

Standard joining procedure is to remain west and outside Fleetlands ATZ:

Standard Joins:

Downwind for RWY05 and Right Base for RWY23.

Aircraft arriving from the north are suggested to join via either West Meon crossroads VRP or Wickham VRP. For noise abatement after Wickham VRP, head for the Titchfield Gyratory (see local map) maintaining clear of built up areas – for right base join, remain south of the housing head for the south of the copse.

From the South, West and East

Aircraft arriving from the south, west and east are suggested to join via Spinnaker VRP, Calshot VRP or Cowes VRP. Be aware that Calshot VRP is located underneath Solent CTA 2 which extends from 2000ft – 5500ft AMSL and is just to south of the Southampton Airport CTZ.

Standard joins:

Left base for RWY05 and Downwind for RWY23.

Straight-in approaches and overhead joins are subject to circuit traffic and AFISO workload. Standard joins are preferred. 


Local Map and Circuit

This map is interactive and elements can be selected for more detail. Use the button in top left-hand corner to open the element list and open a larger map using the top right-hand button.

All circuits are at 1000FT AAL to the north of the runway. Warbird circuits are at 1200FT AAL to the south of the runway.

No circuits are to be flown outside of the Airports operating hours, or before 1000L on Sundays or Bank holidays.

The standard circuit directions are:

Runway 05 – Left hand circuit

Runway 23 – Right hand circuit

No practice EFATO’s are to be conducted off of runway 05, due to proximity to residential areas.

Go-arounds – go-arounds to be made in good time and to the dead side of the runway; all go-arounds are chargeable unless one or more of the following occur and would constitute an unplanned go-around and will NOT be chargeable:

  • Due to the runway being occupied,
  • Weather conditions dictate or
  • The duty AFISO deems it to be a flight safety reason. 

Please be aware of the warbird circuit when active.

Orbits for spacing within the circuit are not recommended. Pilots should observe the position of other circuit traffic and synchronise with it before joining. If in doubt, please do not hesitate to ask AFISOs for an update on the circuit traffic’s position. Pilots should continue in the circuit and go around if necessary.

Noise Sensitive Areas

Stubbington village, immediately to the west of the airport, and the north western adjoining boundary with Fareham are noise sensitive areas. These are highlighted yellow on the map above.

Due to the close proximity of residential areas it is essential for the airport to operate in a considerate manner. Please observe the noise sensitive areas as much as reasonably possible to help us maintain our good neighbourly relationship.


Booking Out

Booking Out: Pilots may book out directly with Air Traffic on the frequency.

Fixed wing aircraft are not required to call prior to start-up. Rotary aircraft are to request rotor start.

Power Checks

Engine power checks are to be conducted:

Runway 05: On the south side of B2 hold.

Runway 23: On the east side of the E1 hold.

No power checks are to be conducted at A1 in order to avoid blocking Alpha taxiway and due to proximity to the viewing area.

VFR Routing

RWY 05 – Fleetlands ATZ is to be avoided and pilots are advised to remain to the west of the disused railway line in order to remain outside, unless two-way contact is made prior to entry on 135.700 MHz.

RWY 23 – early turns are to be avoided until over the Solent for noise abatement.


Aircraft must file a flight plan using the routing as described below, aircraft who have filed an IFR flight plan will be coordinated with NATS Terminal Control (TC) and Solent Radar prior to departure. Aircraft are to inform the AFISO on start up to allow time for pre-note and clearance to be obtained.

Departures to the East – Initial routing via GWC

Departures to the South – initial routing via ELDER and NEDUL

Departures to the West and North – initial routing via ELDER, NEDUL and SAM.

Expected clearance will normally be: London instructs “callsign” to remain outside of controlled airspace, squawk xxxx, Next frequency 133.180 MHz for London or 120.230 MHz for Solent Radar.

Grass Parking Map

The map below outlines the layout and restriction of the grass parking area and main apron in front of the Tower/terminal building.

Pilots should aim to park with the aircraft wings level with the white cones denoting centre point of the row.

Flying to and from the UK

Solent Airport is a regulated aerodrome for aircraft arriving from or departing for a place outside of the customs and fiscal territory of the United Kingdom. – Border Force Approval GB/RA/S20/033/24.

If you are arriving at Solent Airport, having travelled from outside of the UK, you will need to know the rules and regulations regarding customs and immigration.

Entering the UK – Overview

General Aviation Reporting (GAR) Requirements

From/To the EU – GAR should be filed a minimum of 2 hours prior to departure.

From/To Ireland/Channel Islands – GAR should be filed a minimum of 2 hours prior to departure and the police should be notified a minimum of 12 hours prior to departure.

From/To Northern Ireland/Isle of Man – GAR not required but the police should be notified a minimum of 12 hours prio to departure.

General Aviation Report (GAR) forms should be submitted:

Further information can be found on the gov.uk GAR webpage and on the AOPA website and this link provides a partner information pack with lots of advice and printable posters and wallet cards.

Important Notes

Whilst Solent Airport does not operate a mandatory Hi-Vis policy, we highly recommend that Hi-Vis is worn airside for the safety of all site users.

  • We have parking for GA on the apron and grassed areas close to the tower.
  • On grassed parking areas, it is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure that the ground is suitable to taxi over.
  • Control Tower grass parking is between the white cone markers, keeping wings level with the markers where possible.
  • Pilots should keep a good lookout when taxiing and aircraft on the grass should give way to aircraft on the hard-standing.
  • Flight briefing support available – with internet access, lounge and café facilities.
  • Refuelling is available on request – Avgas/Jet A1 at very competitive prices (prices change monthly so please contact operations for latest prices)
  • Dedicated fixed wing and rotary parking zones