CURRENT FUEL PRICES: AvGAS 100LL - £1.68/L  //  JET A1 - £106.46/L Ex. VAT (includes SAF Mandate levy)


Solent Airport Daedalus objective is to provide feedback to any concerns in a timely manner However, whilst we strive to respond in good time, please be mindful that we only have a small operations team as well as day to day airport operations, therefore a small delay may prevail from time to time.

If you have any feedback or questions regarding the activities at Solent Airport please complete the following form:

Airport Feedback Form

Solent Airport Daedalus endeavours to be a good neighbour. If you are considering submitting a feedback report, please first take the opportunity to read the information on the attached link. This brief is designed to provide members of the public with an overview of the airport’s operations and to show how aircraft using Solent can be expected to affect the surrounding areas. It contains maps and information regarding the direction of operation of the runway, ground noise, types of flights, circuits, overflying and alike. It provides a comprehensive overview of the causes of aircraft noise.

Airport Operations and Noise Information

How we Operate

Solent Airport Daedalus is situated within class G airspace, aircraft may fly when and where they like, subject to a set of simple rules. Although there is no legal requirement to do so, many pilots notify the Air Traffic Service Unit (ATSU) of their presence and intentions, especially if entering the Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ), and pilots take full responsibility for their own safety, although they can ask for help.

Solent Airport is a licenced Flight Information Service unit (FIS) and provides AFIS to traffic operating within, and in the vicinity of the ATZ. Additionally, an AFISO may provide a Basic Service to other aircraft upon request, which may support their safe flying by offering advice and information but not instructions.